Things I Liked: Week of February 3, 2024

February 3, 2024

Here is a list of some things I read, listened to, watched, and otherwise enjoyed this week.


  1. J. Arthur Boyle - “The Artist’s Self Interest: On Capitalist Fiction” (review of Dan Sinykin’s Big Fiction)
  2. J. M. Coetzee - Elizabeth Costello
  3. Timothy Bewes - Free Indirect
  4. Ana Schwartz - Unmoored
  5. Flaming Hydra
  6. “Does Literary Criticism Tell Truth About the World?”
  7. Patrick McKemey - “Desktop was the Place


  1. Angry Blackmen - The Legend of ABM (Spotify)
  2. R.E.M. - Murmur (Spotify)


  1. Mark Leckey - “Fiorucci made me Hardcore
  2. New Detective
  3. Ozark season one
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